Saturday, August 21, 2010

Blogs for the Bloggers

I'm back bitches!

Right where to begin. Firstly with apologies.

To my loyal followers, I know your secretly out there. I'm sorry. I'll endeavour to do better.
To Cayla-sphere, who tried to motivate me... I'm sorry I'm unmotivatable…but thanks for trying.
And finally to myself... I'm sorry me. Sorry for convincing me that I could keep up a blog. Sorry for giving up after 2 days.

Now back to business.

Blogging ain't all it cracked up to be, As an interweb visitor and a regular patron of the random shite on the Internet cafe I am partial to a few blogs,
However I have odd taste in blogs.
The main type I read is the comedy/ comic blog, stuff like cracked, And cyanide and happiness,
In fact the main one I aspire to be like is surviving the world. I think Dante Shepard is a genius and deserves every credit for an enlightening and relevant photo blog.
But you say incredulously, thats not a blog! That's a photo web comic. Well yes…yes and no. Personally I think a blog is a regularly updated archive of thoughts and theories and not necessarily an online diary in the conventional sense. As a reader I do of course respect people who do that. I even read them, my black band buddy Cayla even keeps an excellent one I read on a regular basis. However as an individual I don't feel the need to tell my life story to the world. My idea of a blog is writing about stuff that interests me/amuses me.
Now for the sake of my own sanity I aim to make them either funny or humorously written. But I want my blogs to make people smile in an old fashioned... I ain't in it for the money (shine ya shooes for ya mister) kinda way.
A blog should never feel to contrived either í mo thuarim féin. Or feel like it was written out of pressure to write one disregarding lack of subject.

And maybe that's why I gave up after two days. I just didn't have any subjects. The way my summer has been going I've not really had much time to myself and that time has been spent largely catching up on my shut eye... And not I regret to inform you writing for you to read. (you can curse the blight of shift work for me)

Anyway as I'm back to college on the 6th I wanted to get the blog going again. Hopefully it'll update more regularly as I'll be on sensible hours and with my course... Something fun to talk about. So there it is... A blog about blogging.

Jonnie out

Also I told myself I wouldn't talk about it but I haven't figured out how to get rid of this

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone 4


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